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Going Mobile for Greenskeepers – Keeping You Out on the Course

Having a mobile solution that allows you to stay out on the course and build your orders on-the-fly cuts down on all that back and forth you’ve been doing.

Here we are in April it is this time that Greenskeeper dreads most. Assessing the condition of the course and prepping for the upcoming season. It’s at this pivotal time that you are determining things like balancing the growth rate of different grass types, establishing your treatment schedule and dusting off the mowers.

When I started writing this article, I wanted to find some really solid content on greens keeping and offer up some solid tips to Greenskeepers in an attempt to increase your productivity and decrease your time spent in the office or your maintenance facility by moving to a mobile solution.  There are plenty of articles on golfing and golf courses, but I want to specifically speak to the Greenskeeper and their needs. This article will serve as an information piece on how a Greenskeeper can optimize their time out on the course by using their mobile device.

Having a mobile solution that allows you to stay out on the course and build your orders on-the-fly cuts down on all that back and forth you’ve been doing.

The Power of the App

There is nothing worse than heading out to  the 8th hole to start accessing the winter damage, only to find that you now need to order more seed . Typically, you break out that well-worn notebook to start making notes for your spring order, then heading all the way back to call up your suppliers.

You already have everything you need in your pocket with your smart phone. There is no need to make that trek back to the office. You can do all you ordering right there on the 8th hole. OrderEase, which is completely free to use, is a mobile ordering platform that allows you to connect to hundreds of suppliers and invite your “go-to” suppliers with a click. Having a mobile solution that allows you to stay out on the course and build your orders on-the-fly cuts down on all that back and forth you’ve been doing.

Take Your Office With You

So it's the end of the month and you are placing your order, but you can’t remember who you order that special anti-fungal spray for the green  at the 6th hole. So back you go to your office to spend two hours looking through that stack of purchase orders on your desk. You need your office to go with you.

Having the ability to access all suppliers, current order status and order history while you are out on the course is crucial to optimizing your time. As a Greenskeeper you have a lot to manage and not a lot of time to get it all done.Eliminating paperwork and accessing your orders from your mobile device is a great leap to more productive days.

Work Smarter

Now that you have the office with you everywhere, there are plenty more benefits that you can take advantage of to optimize your time spent on ordering from your suppliers. Time and good weather are precious so you need to spend as much time maintaining the course as possible. Keep in mind, you can access your online order solution from your desktop computer, so you can do some pre-prep before you head out on the course, knowing that it automatically syncs up with your mobile device. This is a huge time-saver if you find that you have forgotten to process an order you were working on or if you couldn't complete an order because you had to get out on the course to check what you needed from that supplier. lacing orders, looking up records and connecting with your suppliers anywhere at anytime. This is working smart 101.

Could you imaging having to tote around the paper catalogues of all your suppliers in your cart? One of the great things about utilizing an online solution, like OrderEase Mobile is that the catalogs are all in the palm of your hand.When you are running low on seed and fertilizer, having access to quickly find the products that you are looking for is crucial to your bottom line. Working smarter by utilizing all of the capabilities of a mobile ordering solution gives you all the power of your office in your pocket and increases your efficiency tenfold.
As a Greenskeeper you are the first person called when something goes wrong, making you the expert in all things from machinery to horticulture.


As a Greenskeeper you are the first person called when something goes wrong, making you the expert in all things from machinery to horticulture. You need to stay updated on the newest products to help when those difficult repairs arise. But what about your needs? Yea, it sounds a little whiny, but it really boils down to having the ability to connect to the experts in your industry so that you can get the best product for the job.

A solution that includes connecting to both your existing suppliers and those you suddenly realize you need is critical if you want to keep the ball rolling. With access to hundreds of suppliers and real-time updates on the products you use, an online ordering solution is a must have. You're not just responsible for ordering specialty parts, but you have to maintain monthly inventory which can be a hassle in any industry. Your online solution needs to include the ability to keep your current supply chain organized, as well as allow you to connect to suppliers that you may not have an existing relationship with. As a OrderEase buyer you can invite suppliers through the free app, empowering you as a buyer to encourage your suppliers to meet your needs best, all while on the go.

Hopefully this has provided some good points on why you really need to move to a mobile solution, without getting to “salesy”. Yes, we are biased, of course, but ultimately our goal is to provide you with useful information to help you become more efficient and help you enjoy all the aspects of your profession or business.

About OrderEase Mobile

OrderEase Mobile takes all the best features from the OrderEase platform and condenses it down to one powerful app for your smartphone or tablet device. OrderEase’s Buyers app is completely free and offers supply chain connectivity for on-the-go people. No matter where you are, with OrderEase’s mobile app you are always one touch away from the businesses you deal with.

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